Shotgun Wing – T

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Click to check out the Belly Series Video

Click to check out the Belly Series Video


New Video Series! The long awaited Belly Series from the gun. This video shows you how to incorporate Run-passes with the Belly Series to add three options to the play. Video shows how to spread out the defense and read an outside linebacker with a Run-Pass. How to incorporate Run-Passes and the Belly from multiple shotgun formations are discussed, as well as the QB belly. Every position is explained in great detail, along with numerous game film examples to emphasize coaching points and common mistakes to avoid. 1 hour 21 minutes.











Click to check out the Belly Series Part II Video

Click to check out the Belly Series Part II Video



New Video Series! The long awaited Belly Series from the gun Part II. The complimentary plays off the Belly cross-block from the gun play are discussed. The Counter off the belly is explained and paired with a speed option on the backside to control defensive pursuit. The Fling Screen is used to protect the Belly and Counter play and is similar to a long rocket toss. Great play to get your athletes in the open field. Play Action passes off the Belly and Counter play are explored with only one blocking scheme for the offensive line to learn. Every position is explained in great detail, along with numerous game film examples to emphasize coaching points and common mistakes to avoid. 1 hour 43 minutes.









Click to check out the Shotgun Wing-T Essentials Video

Click to check out the Shotgun Wing-T Essentials Video


The must have Essentials video contains information on using spread concepts within your wing-t offense, while still keeping your TE/Wing. The video covers using formations to gain an advantage, tempo to disrupt blitzes, QB reads from the gun, the Bubble screen, and dual role plays. Lots of game footage in this video! 1 Hour 21 Min













Click to check out the bucksweep video

Click to check out the bucksweep video


Our most popular video. This video goes into great detail of the bucksweep and Criss-Cross reverse. Alignment and assignments of every position, as well as the QB reads are covered. Learn how to turn your bucksweep into a triple option threat. Learn by watching 24 game footage clips on what to do and common mistakes and how to correct them. 1 Hour 35 Min.











Click to check out the Shotgun Wing-T Passing Video

Click to check out the Shotgun Wing-T Passing Video


The shotgun wing-t passing game video, focuses on the passing game to the TE/Wing side of the offense. Learn the 3 passing blocking schemes designed for a run oriented team. High percentage pass plays including the waggle are diagrammed in detail and lots of game footage is used. 55 Min.